Mid Canterbury Cricket

Below is the calendar of bookings for the Ashburton Domain Pavilion Indoor Cricket Nets.

Booking Process

  1. A PRE- BOOKING MUST BE MADE by contacting Mark Medlicott 027 269 8654 or Shaun Stagg 027 8421390 else contact Mid Canterbury Cricket by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book a session.
  2. ** Please note 1 hour minimum booking required $20.00 per lane per hour.
  3. When booking confirmed
    1. The keys can be picked up from reception at the EA Networks Centre, 20 River Terrace, Ashburton.
    2. Please sign in book at EA Centre
    3. On arrival at Nets please sign book here as well for H&S requirements
    4. At the end of your net session, please return the key to the EA networks Centre and sign in book the return of keys.
  4. Payment must be made to Mid Canterbury Cricket - Bank Account Number: ANZ 06-0837-0343830-00 - Please reference your name and `net hire` in online payments.  

Fee Structure

Lane $20 per lane for 1 hour  (can include use of bowling machine)
Bowling Machine $20 per hour
Whole Centre $40 per hour (includes use of bowling machine)
Individual Coaching Sessions $70 per hour


Bookings Calendar - Check dates for availability